Abonnementen & tarieven
Bij Iron Helix bieden we de onderstaande maandabonnementen aan. Wanneer je een abonnement kiest, word je direct doorgestuurd naar SportBit. Hier selecteer je jouw abonnement en meld je je aan. De locatie is de naam van de gym: Iron Helix.
- Uniek: Gratis onbeperkt Open Gym met hoog-kwalitatieve materialen tijdens openingsuren ongeacht je abonnement
- Gratis Powerlift, Gewichthef en SuperTotal programma's voor eigen gebruik
- Een kennismakingsgesprek vooraf (optioneel)
- Flexibele abonnementen die je kunt pauzeren of aanpassen
- Opzegtermijn van 1 maand
- Eleiko materiaal van de hoogste kwaliteit
- Coaches met vooraanstaande cursussen en didactiek
- Koffie en thee bij de balie met een gratis re-fill
- Student, hulpverlener of Veteraan? Bij ons krijg je 10% korting op je abonnement!
Via de SportBit-app meld je je aan voor de Open Gym (gratis) en de groepslessen (1 credit). Met SportBit kun je ook gemakkelijk samen sporten met je buddy’s—stuur ze direct een uitnodiging!
The Single Games
5 classes per month
1x per week
Do you have limited time or prefer individual training but still want to occasionally join a technical class? This subscription combines the best of both worlds!
De Fitgirl
9 classes per month
2x per week
This is the perfect subscription for you if you have a busy schedule. You’ll receive the coaching you need while steadily working on your health and fitness.
Iron Smasher
13 classes per month
3x per week
Do you want consistent progress and to master exercises faster? With this subscription, you can try every specialty while consistently working on your strength and fitness. This investment will help you become the version of yourself you envision. Let’s go!
21 classes per month
5x per week
Strength and conditioning are central to your life, and you love challenging yourself. Whether you're aiming to compete or are highly motivated to keep growing, this is the subscription for you. Go hard or go home.
Open gym
Open Gym only
Included in all other memberships
If you don’t have time or follow your own program, this is the subscription for you. You're not tied to class hours, but you have unlimited access to the open gym space to do your own thing. Coaches will keep an eye on your technique! Basic, but high quality.
15 credits in 1 year
Coachingshours and/or Open Gym.
At Iron Helix we offer the following monthly subscriptions. When you choose a subscription plan you’ll be forwarded directly to SportBit. Here you choose your membership and sign up. The location of the gym is its name: “Iron Helix”
- Unique: Free unlimited access to Open Gym with high-quality equipment during opening hours, regardless of your membership
- Free powerlift, weightlift & supertotal programs for personal use.
- An introductory talk (optional)
- Flexible memberships (pause or freeze when necessary)
- 1 month notice period
- Eleiko equipment of the highest quality
- Coaches with leading courses and didactics
- Coffee & tea at the counter with a free re-fill
- Are you a student, Caregiver or Veteran? You are eligible for a 10% discount!
Using the SportBit application, you can sign up for the Open Gym (free) and our classes (1 credit each). You can also use SportBit to work out with your buddies, send them an invitation right away!